
After the past week I have talked about computers. We all think that computes weren't that hard to research on, but it took many of my classmate the whole or over the week that it was due (including me). It took many people to develop computers over the years. We think that it's easy, because our technology is way more advanced than the earlier years. We now have a better understanding on how to make, produce, and add additional content to computer. We should think twice about our ancestors, and thank them for taking their time to make computers.

Who knows what the future computers would be like, they could be voice controlled, controlled, mobile, solar power computers, touch screen computers, or maybe even, smart computers who can talk to you and do anything you want them to do like search the web, and even help you with your homework. We don’t give a lot of credit for our ancestor, but we give a lot of credit to Steve Jobs. Without our ancestor we wouldn’t have computers. The only thing Steve did was taking computing to a whole new level, but he wouldn’t have been able to do all of those things.

When we first started inventing computers they started out being very slow. Now you can go from one cite to another in a matter of seconds. Phones can also do similar things such as, going on the internet, checking Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and you can also purchase things on your phone by going on the stores pages and find the item you want and purchase it.
     I would like to thank all of you who checked out my pages and I hope you guys enjoyed it and learned a lot of new fact about computers as I did.

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